Capturing the potential of the Humber


The proposed Keadby Next Generation Power Station, located in North Lincolnshire, could be the world’s first 100% hydrogen-fuelled power station, producing zero emissions at the point of combustion.


The decarbonisation of flexible power generation is vital to achieving net-zero by 2050. That’s why Equinor and SSE Thermal are developing hydrogen power stations, like this one at Keadby.

 Key Focuses



Keadby Next Generation Power Station would have a peak demand of 1,800MW of hydrogen, potentially accounting for a third of the UK Government’s 5GW blue hydrogen production goal.



Keadby Next Generation Power Stations will contribute to decarbonising carbon-intensive sectors while safeguarding existing jobs and driving inward investment in the region.



As the most carbon-intensive industrial region in the country, the Humber can deliver cost-effective decarbonisation by realising economies of scale in the region.



With appropriate policy mechanisms in place, Keadby Next Generation Power Station could come online before the end of the decade.

Introducing Keadby Next Generation Power Station


Hydrogen has strategic importance in the pursuit of a low-emission, environmentally benign, cleaner and more sustainable energy system. To achieve net-zero by 2050, hydrogen will be needed to decarbonise energy-intensive industries, as well as ensure flexible and efficient power to support intermittent renewable generation and maintain the security of supply.

Our new ambition

Our proposed Keadby Next Generation Power Station would have a peak demand of 1,800MW of hydrogen, securing at-scale demand for hydrogen in the region for decades to come. The project has the potential to preserve existing jobs in the Humber and create new ones, while supporting skills, apprenticeships, and educational opportunities across the region.

Decarbonise today, for tomorrow

2050. It may seem a long way in the distance, but time is of the essence if the UK is to meet its ambitious net zero targets. As we race to reduce carbon emissions, a major focus has been placed on our industrial clusters. Finding a way to decarbonise these economic powerhouses - crucial to meeting our energy needs – is critically important if we’re to reach net zero.

Connecting to the East Coast Cluster

Keadby Next Generation Power Station will connect to the shared infrastructure being developed by the East Coast Cluster to transport low carbon hydrogen. The East Coast Cluster is a collaboration between Zero Carbon Humber, Net Zero Teesside and the Northern Endurance Partnership.

Explore our projects


Together, Equinor and SSE Thermal are developing four low-carbon projects, all focused on providing vital flexibility to the energy system. In addition to Keadby Next Generation Power Station, we are also collaborating on:


Aldbrough Hydrogen

Keadby 3 Carbon Capture Power Station

Peterhead Carbon Capture Power Station


We call it Keadby Next Generation Power Station, and it could be the world’s first 100% hydrogen-fuelled power station by the end of the decade.


Find out more about hydrogen technology.